Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Stone Fireplace Mantels Look Elegant!

Most people love to decorate their fireplace mantels with some decorative items to give the place a catchy look. Most houses in the northern region have fireplace in their homes and if you notice to leave the fireplace alone without any decoration will look very untidy. Mantels are such things which are built or installed around the fireplace for decoration purposes.

These mantels are made of different materials and you can choose from a wide variety of design and structures to install around your fireplace. Mantels are available marbles and stones, these two are popularly used around the world and they are in demand because stone and marble mantels give a neat and elegant look. Good design and color of the mantels can boost the look of the place and will easily compliment with the décor and furniture of the room.

Stone mantels are usually made of different stones such as granite, limestone and river rock. Stone mantels are suited for large fireplaces and they are beneficial because they do not get damaged or scratched easily. Stone mantels will not break or get damaged unless serious damage is caused through the use of hammers and other sharp materials. Stone mantels tend to last for a life time and there will hardly be any need of replacing it. You can find stone mantels in variety of designs and colors which will easily blend will the environment of the room.

The best way to buy stone mantels is to search through the internet and you will see so many lists of mantel providers and you can check on their websites for their designs. You will surely be amazed to see that fireplace mantels are boosted when they have such beautifully crafted stone mantels built in them. You can see more than hundreds of designs and it will be hard for you to choose the best because there is a wide variety of designs that it becomes difficult to select. But you will definitely choose the one which you think will easily blend with the interior decoration, furniture and color of the room.

You can get the mantel built according to your specifications, though it will cost you a bit more than applying cast stone or limestone in pieces. The benefit of your custom built mantel will be that it is your own design and you will have no complaints later because you will design it yourself. You can select from a variety of cast stones which are in different colors and built from different stones. You can see fabricated pieces of lime stones as well which are built in different designs.

Stone mantels give a very natural look to the surrounding and give a cozy feeling to the room. Stone mantels are being used since hundreds of years because stone mantels were the first mantels which originated in the form of fireplace by cutting through walls.

You can visit your local fireplace stores or search the internet for variety of designs.

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Brick Driveway

Brick driveway provides more creativity and a long lasting result and also requires less overall maintenance than the concrete and asphalt counterparts. If you are looking for a very long lasting drive way then you should think about the brick drive way. These driveways comes in a wide variety or range of muted colors and individual driveway and can also be cut in order to create any seemingly unending designs and patterns. It is now possible to create or produce a driveway that resembles to a brick wall having alternating rows of bricks with a radial or circular array of colored designs and patterns. You can create interesting and elegant free flowing patterns and designs in bricks rather than any simple customary rectangular concrete driveway and asphalt driveway. By comparing these all types of options with the standard, concrete or asphalt driveway both are not good competitive events.

It is much likely to those used driveways in the Roman interstate system about 2000 years ago, and they last for a long time. But the same for concrete or asphalt driveways does not hold as they are not that much durable. Brick drive way "float" on gravelly base and/or sandy base allows water to easily run off and also percolate into the substrata as well. This sort of driveway is very environmentally friendly and the reason behind this is that they help to build water table and also lessen runoff.

Asphalt and concrete driveways are mostly predicated on having water runoff. The pressure of vehicles driving across it, concrete often cracks and asphalt develops cracks so bricks are better than these. And when water penetrates into cracks of drive ways, the freeze thaw cycle get coupled with the movements of vehicles across it which often leads to the increasing degree of failure. In order to prevent bricks from cracks in concrete or asphalt driveways, you have to have a periodically resealing of. But in concrete driveways, repairing these bricks are one of the most desired options than viewing an ugly concrete cracks sealer.

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Should Things Go Wrong

If you did your homework in selecting the right fabricator to install your granite or marble countertop, you need not to worry about faulty installation or poor workmanship. But even the best have their off days. The important thing to know now is, what do you do when things go wrong? Here are some tips when dealing with your granite or marble slab fabricator should you have a complaint.

First, review the service contract. One should have been provided and signed by both parties before the installation took place. The service contract outlines your rights and the responsibilities of the fabricator on the project. There should also be warranty information included with the contract. Be fair and honest when reading the contract. If your complaint is outside what is agreed upon in the service contract, unfortunately you would have to shell out extra for any repair.

Talk with the fabricator. If there are any gray areas in the contract or warranty, you should clarify it with the granite or marble fabricator. More often than not, they would be accommodating to questions and complaints since it's their reputation on the line. Be sure to work with them and not against them; make your case but don't come out as antagonistic.

Do some research. Check online for any similar case. It is possible that marble slab was defective or that you've both been had by the supplier of the granite or marble slabs. Unfortunately, deception does exist in the natural stone industry.

If you know you have a case, take it to the authorities. Licensed business owners wouldn't want to have to deal with the law as much as possible. Most will negotiate with you and come up with an agreement. But should they not, then you should seek the help of your local government. One good place to go is the local Better Business Bureau and file a complaint. Just remember to be calm and honest when making your claim or complaint.

Though this is the extreme, for example if the issue entailed injuries or extensive property damage, you can ask for a lawyer's help and file a case. Again this is the extreme scenario.

These are the things you should do when things go wrong with your granite or marble countertop installation. If things fall apart, there are several options for you to correct things and get the natural stone countertop that you rightfully deserve.

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Chimney Waterproofing for the Most Vulnerable Part of Your Home

A lot of people have a notion that a chimney made of brick or stone doesn't need any kind of upkeep. They picture these materials as being extremely tough and able to take care of themselves. Unfortunately, this is not really the case, and these homeowners eventually find themselves faced with crumbling mortar and disintegrating chimneys. Most of this damage is caused by water. Being on the outside of your house the way it is, a chimney withstands a lot of bad weather conditions, from hurricane-force winds to torrential rain to raging blizzards. Chimney waterproofing is an important step in preserving the integrity of your structure.

Your chimney is the most vulnerable area of your house, because it sticks up above the top of the roof line and has no protection. This vulnerability can result in staining, freeze-thaw damage, loss of insulation value, structural deterioration, and ultimately complete failure of the chimney altogether. Therefore, you can see that it's far easier to do preventive maintenance before any problems occur than it is to clean up the mess afterward. There are a number of good waterproofing sealers available that you can coat your chimney with from the very beginning that will help it stay in good repair.

If your chimney has already begun to deteriorate, you need to start by taking a good look at what's going wrong with it. Check to make sure that all of your mortar joints are in good repair. If they haven't been treated with water sealer before, they could be cracking and breaking. Even if a previous owner did use a waterproofing product, there could still be problems if the wrong type was used. Certain sealers cause water vapors to be trapped under the coating. This causes wear on the mortar. If your mortar is in bad enough shape that it is actually falling apart, you may need to have some tuckpointing done prior to using an appropriate waterproofing agent.

Your chimney is an important part of your house, and you need to spend time maintaining it just like you do anything else. A good water sealer only needs to be used every five to ten years, so it isn't a job that has to be done very often. Although waterproofing sealants aren't cheap, the price you have to pay for chimney waterproofing will be a whole lot less than if you have to completely rebuild your chimney. In addition, keeping your chimney in prime condition will help you maintain the value of your largest investment, your home.

How To Retain The Shine On Marble Tiles   What Is Manufactured Stone?   How To Build A Small Brick Wall In Your Garden Without Calling In A Builder   Black Slate Tiles - The Beauty Of Black   

Backyard Fire Pits Ideas

Your backyard is a place and makes you would like to hang out your friends all or grill barbecues. My point is, the backyard is one of the places that you would like to hang out on chill at. But easily, the backyard is not that attractive and most of the time looks boring. So if you are trying to find ways that would change the way your backyard looks, then here's how to save a lot of trouble. One effective method of bringing life to your backyard is to install a fire pit. It is one of the most effective methods of dramatically changing the way your backyard looks like. Additionally, it does not only change the looks of your backyard but it is also functional. You could actually use it as a warm spot whenever you hang out on cold evenings in your backyard, or you could cook barbecues and other stuff. The point is having a backyard fire pit is a great addition to your backyard in terms of overall books and functionality plus loads of fun.

Another great thing about backyard fire pits is that you could actually create one yourself. Like any other product, you don't always have to buy it. Sometimes, there are products that you can do yourself; the only thing that you need is to buy the materials that are needed to create it. It's pretty much applicable with backyard fire pits. For more information, there are some backyard fire pit ideas for you:

Tire fire pit - one of the best materials and probably the most inexpensive once around that you could use to make them are tractor tires. You could virtually get one from any junkyard and always remember not to steal it so that you would avoid trouble from cops. Now, how would you use a tractor tire to make the fire pit? First you must find a surface in your backyard that is flat and even. Place the tractor tire in the spot that you found. Before moving on, make sure that it is pretty much far away from any materials that are easily flammable. Things like fuel, wood and paper and other stuff that are flammable should be out of sight. Also, keep it away from your house. If you happen to have concrete surface in your backyard, that would be perfect. Lay down the tire, surround it with bricks or stones and fill it with fire.

That is just one example of the utilizing ordinary objects, even objects that are trashed to create the best backyard pits. Actually, you don't have to spend a lot of money just create the backyard fire pit of your dreams. All that is needed is a supple amount of creativity and determination plus, a lot of resourcefulness would really hit the spot. So now, now that you know how to make your own backyard fire pit ideas, you are now ready to have a much more enjoyable evening in your backyard together with your friends in your family.

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Why You Should Consider Investing In Brick Veneer Walls

The words "brick veneer" often give a mental picture of a house that has been made of brick. This is accurate but inaccurate at the same time. A brick veneer wall that has been put in place correctly will have the same appearance as a home that has actually been made of brick. The problem is that due to the fact that the both homes will look exactly the same to the untrained eye, most people do not actually know that these are two completely different things. A brick house uses the bricks as its support whereas a house that has had a brick veneer will be there for the sake of outward appearances. These are some of the reasons why some homeowners will use a veneer brick wall.

Changes The Look Of Your Home

It has been stated once before, but brick veneer is used to give those passing by the impression that the home is made of brick. The house will have its own way of supporting itself but the veneer will make it seem like the house is made of brick. Homeowners who are looking for something different use this often to make substantial changes by making essentially only one actual adjustment.

Installation Is Much Easier

The bricks that make up a house actually made of solid brick needs the bricks to be there during construction. The bricks give the house stability and support and the house will not stand without them. Veneer brick though is similar to adding a garden or something similar in the sense that it can be added at any point after the fact. It doesn't need any background in bricklaying to be installed, it just needs some ambition. It is a perfect project for a homeowner who may prefer the idea of being a little more hands-on.

Not Very Costly

A house made entirely of solid brick tends to have higher costs. Brick veneer basically covers the walls that are already there. Because of this and by extension the amount of raw materials needed by comparison, veneer brick is not very expensive in terms of its price. A homeowner who does not have a whole lot of expensive tools can still place an appealing layout without spending a whole lot in terms of buying the bricks.

Despite the fact that people can get mixed up very often, a brick veneer wall and a solid brick wall are two completely different things. A solid brick house needs the bricks in order to remain standing. Without those bricks the house has absolutely no support. A veneer wall differs because it can give observers the impression that the house is made of bricks, but the house will actually be using the bricks for cosmetic purposes. Brick veneer can be valuable to a home because it completely changes the way your home appears, it is not hard to install, and it is not an expensive thing to put in. A do-it-yourself kind of person can easily place the wall independently should they so choose even without a background in bricklaying or related professions. Renovators who want to make huge improvements at affordable prices need to seriously consider brick veneer wall.

How To Retain The Shine On Marble Tiles   What Is Manufactured Stone?   How To Build A Small Brick Wall In Your Garden Without Calling In A Builder   Black Slate Tiles - The Beauty Of Black   

Cantera Stone - Adds Beauty to Your Place

It is fun and real excitement to add beauty to your house or to your business offices or any other sites. One of the best designs you can choose is none other than the natural look. No doubt, Cantera stone is one of the most popular when it comes to adding up a natural look to your house especially on fireplace, patio or to any other areas of the house. This is also very useful in dressing up your commercial spaces like restaurants, bistros or bars. Some public areas like parks and gardens are also using this to get a natural stone look and it adds beauty to the entire place.

You may ask, what is this Cantera stone? This stone actually is made from volcanic ash. This has been compressed into stone for over million years. As this is compacted and compressed, this is very durable although the substance or the texture can be compared to like the texture of sandstone. However the looks appear to be classic like a marble or granite tile. A Cantera stone tile also adds elegant looks not only to your floors but also to your walls.

Any one can enjoy various advantages and benefits in using Cantera stone. This is one of the most versatile stone products that you can find in the market. This gives a natural beauty and one can use this also through different decorative crafted or carved accents. As this stone can be easily carved into any design, this is very good for balustrades, fireplaces and accents on doorways, columns, windows and any other entryways. It also adds up beauty on fountains, statues and any other artistic accents. This can level up the design of your place and add class in a traditional way to any space in the house or any other places where you use it. There are various home builders and other design company who use and recommend Cantera stone tile as this is very easy to maintain. This is also very easy to cut and engrave.

To beautify it further, there are various Cantera stone colors available commercially ranging from creamy white to dusty pink, peach, tan and beige, orange brown, light to dark charcoals. Even reddish burgundy is one of the famous Cantera stone colors. With so many different colors, it can match perfectly with any designs. The colors are made available even if you just opt to add up some for a certain area of your place. For whatever colors, its veining and granite-like sparkling are always present that give natural beauty and elegant look.

Cantera stone has been popular for more than a thousand years already for commercial and residential places. This was made popular by the Spaniards which did not catch too much attention in American countries. Spanish colonies had greatly expressed its artistic stone craft which made it acceptable in Europe, until little by little intercepted the market in the United States. This is being quarried in Mexico and crafted by Mexican artisans. Today, this stone is very popular all over the world.

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Using Natural Stone for Your New Home or Next Home Remolding Project

Natural stone has been used for centuries as a respected and elegant building material, in the architecture of Greece, Rome, and in other famous structures like the Taj Mahal in India, which is clad entirely in white marble. Even today, it's a revered material to use in construction because of its durability, visual appeal, and environmental friendliness.

It can be such a great material because it takes long to weather and erode, and it provides a very solid foundation that could prevent from freak accidents like trees falling through one's rooftop. Consider how horrible it would be if someone in the house was struck on the head by a branch, if the house was ruined, or both. Natural stone doesn't just provide protection from trees: it can also provide more protection from fires, hurricanes, and many other natural weather problems that could be a threat to one's home and the people in it.

Another benefit is that it can lower heating costs by insulating a lot of heat, which will save money in the long run, and it can make the home very quiet, so one can be at home resting peacefully, knowing that the cars driving down the road or the dog barking next door will be, at the most, minimally heard. As prices rise everywhere, and since the energy bill is the most important one to pay, it might be a good idea to lower energy costs as much as possible. Knowing how stone can save money, let's look at a type of of stone that one can use that's both appealing and sturdy.

Marble stone definitely fits the description of an attractive and sturdy material. First of all, it's very pretty, and as mentioned before structures like the Taj Mahal, one of the seven wonders of the world, were built using this material. There are many types of marble that one can choose from, and it can come in many different colors, not just pure white like one might usually imagine.

Other than marble, there are many other types of stones that one can use to build a home. With the rising costs of lumber and concrete (and the rising costs of everything in general), selecting to build a home out of natural stone could be a great option that many previously may not have considered. There are numerous other sources on the web now that speak about the benefits of using stone to build a house.

It shouldn't be automatically assumed that natural stone is too expensive. A wise move would be to take a look at natural stone distributors in the area.Even if stone is not going to be used to build an entire home out of, it can easily add appeal to one's fireplace or flooring. In conclusion, this is a material that should not be overlooked by homeowners or by anyone planning on building or remodeling their home.

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Marble Supplies

What does it take for a house to be transformed into an elegant home? Is it the gate? The garden? Sometimes it's the little things and details that count. It's what the windows, doors, walls, and floors are made of. Three types of stones stand out as the favorite of every builder: they are marble, travertine and granite.

One of the favorite materials to use for building or renovating houses and buildings is marble. A rock normally formed through crystallization and change of natural stone to carbonate rocks, marble is a staple in almost every household. It's usually utilized in sculpture, buildings and houses. Marble is also usually used for the floor, tables and others. It's firm and waxy-like characteristics are two of the best features why people choose marble. It comes in different colors and designs that are perfect for houses with general motifs. Famous sculptures found all over the world are also made in marble.

Another favorite construction material is travertine. Just like marble, travertine is also a rock, particularly, a limestone usually found under and around hot springs. Travertine tiles are frequently used as building materials specifically for patios and garden stairs or paths. Its roughness and holes give this rock its distinct feature to stand out in a household or garden.

Last but not the least in the bunch is granite. Like travertine, granite is also made from a fire, usually from a cooled magma from volcano lava. Granite has been a favorite for centuries now and it doesn't seem like it's stopping very soon. Granite is known for its grainy texture that is perfect for tables, floors and worktops. It is also available in different colors and designs that are up for grabs.

A notable marble and travertine supplier in Ireland is Efesus Marble. The company is very well known for its customer service and quality marble and travertine that they offer. Efesus Marble has a vast array of choice marble suited for every customer's need for their houses. Timeless, unique, elegant, classical and natural- these are just five words that describe the high quality rocks that are available in Efesus Marble. Whether it's for your home or business, this company has everything you need to suit your building needs. After the installation of the marble and travertine, maintenance is a big key, and Murray Marble Maintenance and Restoration is perfect for that. They specialize in marble restoration, maintenance and polishing marble so customers are assured that their houses stay elegant and pleasing.

Making a house a home is simply not about family now. It's also about how the house was built and its foundation. Rocks have always been equated as a strong foundation. Knowing these 3 stones and the best resources where you can get them is good information to have. Building a house is an investment and choosing these three rock types, as your materials will definitely be worth the money. They are simply there to put a strong foundation for your elegant house.

How To Retain The Shine On Marble Tiles   What Is Manufactured Stone?   How To Build A Small Brick Wall In Your Garden Without Calling In A Builder   Black Slate Tiles - The Beauty Of Black   5 Reasons Why Manufactured Stone Is Becoming So Popular   Installing Cultured Stones   

Travertine Pool Deck Pavers Around Your Pool

Taking care of a pool can take a lot of time, but you can make it easier by choosing the best materials to start with. Most people concentrate on the size and shape of the pool itself thinking that will be where they derive their enjoyment but, in reality, the are around the pool is where you spend most of your time. Being around water on hot afternoon is great, but nobody wants to float around all day and end up looking like a prune.

You understand how many problems the surround of a pool can have if you own one. If it is constructed of bricks, then it gets hot on the feet, tends to be slippery when wet, and becomes paler after a few years in the sun. An excellent alternative is to install travertine pool pavers. For years travertine has been common in the Florida region as a great surface for the pool patio and it is currently beginning to become popular in other parts of the country. These pavers, which can also be obtained as tiles, are cut from a sedimentary rock that works well as a surface, as they are hard and have good grip for walking.

It is untrue to say that travertine limestone even though that is how many people classify it. Due to the presence of many other minerals travertine is not considered a true limestone but it is a sedimentary rock. It was formed at the bottom of thermal pools as minerals are leached out as opposed to limestone which is made of the remains of sea creatures.

It takes more than ages to form travertine at the bottom of thermal pools. As the hot water flows through the ground, it collects nearby minerals and brings them to the surface. The minerals drop out and collect on the bottom as the water evaporates in the pools. This mixture of different minerals is what gives these pavers their different hues and patterns. Indeed, no two pavers will have the same colors and nuances which can make them look very attractive around the pool.

When buying tiles, you can opt for three surfaces which include the tumbled, honed and polished. Usually the tumbled surface is used around pools due to its texture which provides a nice footing even when wet. In addition, the natural cavities and air pockets let the water spread instead of remaining on the surface like concrete thus eliminating the sliding issue. Lately, people have been using these tiles inside the home too. A travertine bathroom looks great as it gives the impression of an ancient Roman bath. Travertine was very common during the days Rome ruled the known world, because the first quarry where the stone is named after, was found only 60 miles from the city.

How To Retain The Shine On Marble Tiles   What Is Manufactured Stone?   How To Build A Small Brick Wall In Your Garden Without Calling In A Builder   Black Slate Tiles - The Beauty Of Black   

Stone Veneer Is An Exciting Element To Add To The Home

Stone gives a natural look to anything it is applied to. That includes stone veneer when it comes to applying it to the facade of any home. The natural look that we are all looking for can be had in a product that is created in a mold, similar to those used to create bricks that so many homes display all across the country. Initially, many people might ask why someone would want to place a fake product on their home when the real deal is available from a variety of suppliers. At second glance, that question is rendered null and void. The reason for placing artificial stone on homes is because of the greatly reduced price for the very same look.

Many people are looking for a less expensive way of applying the beauty of nature, while at the same time paying close attention to the budget they have allocated for building their dream home. There is simply nothing more appealing than the allure of natural beauty, but sometimes that beauty comes at a cost that the majority of individuals cannot afford. This is what makes stone veneer so attractive to those who must keep their spending in check. While artificial stone is an excellent choice for anyone regardless of their budget, it does cost one third or more less than its counterparts, natural stone and brick.

With this bit of information, there is no doubt that there will be large numbers of home owners hitting the home improvement stores searching for the right design, texture and color to start the process of creating their very own look with some of the most intriguing stone veneer products on the market.

However, one should not forget that there are many more available by searching the Internet. It goes without saying that there is not enough room on the show room floors for all the styles and colors of any type of product, so when a person wants to get the very best selection, it is always advisable to check out what can be found online. There may even be better bargains to be had when ordering directly from the manufacturer, and bypassing the middle man.

While there are some disadvantages that come with stone veneer, the benefits are far outweighed by the mere fact that it is easier to install and costs less than natural stone and brick. Some of those disadvantages should be addressed though, so that the purchaser understands exactly what they are going to receive once they place it on their home. Since each individual piece is thinner than natural stone or brick, by nature that would mean it would not provide as much strength, by the same token, if a piece should fall out there would not be as much cover for the empty space to blend in with shadows and reflections. That being said, what is everyone waiting for; go take a look, you're sure to get excited.

How To Retain The Shine On Marble Tiles   What Is Manufactured Stone?   How To Build A Small Brick Wall In Your Garden Without Calling In A Builder   Black Slate Tiles - The Beauty Of Black   5 Reasons Why Manufactured Stone Is Becoming So Popular   

Notes on Applying a Stone Sealer

One of the important maintenance procedures in owning natural stone kitchen countertops is sealing the stone. Sealing is done initially by the fabricator, and it needs to be re-done after some time. Can you do it yourself? Sure you can. But you might say that you know nothing about it. Don't worry; here are some tips on sealing your granite and marble to help you out.

Does it need sealing?

First, you need to ask whether the stone even need sealing. Though there are recommendations given by your fabricator for the time for resealing, that time is just an estimate. To know whether you need to seal, you can do a water test. The water test is simple. Just pour water over the marble or granite slab. Let it sit for a few minutes. Afterward, wipe the water off and look at the surface. If the stone looks faded or is not as vibrant compared to the rest of the slab, it needs sealing. If not, then sealing can be put off for some time.

This test is important since the stone might need sealing prior to the time given by the fabricator. Sealing the stone when it actually needs it keeps it from damage and stains.

What sealer to use?

There are lots of options, and it can be confusing to know which to use. One source of advice is the stone fabricator: you can get what they would recommend. You should also look at the granite or marble slab application. For example, the sealer you use for the marble vanity is different from what's needed in a granite kitchen. In general, what's recommended is that you get an impregnating sealer that's oleophobic. Impregnating means the protection goes beyond the surface, and oleophobic means it repels both oil and water.

How to apply it?

Applying a sealer can be done with a rag or a brush. You can certainly do it by yourself. But be sure to look at the manufacturer's instructions and safety precautions before using the product.

Also be sure that the marble or granite surface is clean and dry before application. You should also make sure that the countertop or stone is free from use for a few hours as the sealer needs some time to set and dry.

These are some general tips to guide you in applying a stone sealer by yourself. But should you have doubts or questions, you can always ask your stone fabricator for more advice or, you can let them do it for you.

How To Retain The Shine On Marble Tiles   What Is Manufactured Stone?   How To Build A Small Brick Wall In Your Garden Without Calling In A Builder   Black Slate Tiles - The Beauty Of Black   5 Reasons Why Manufactured Stone Is Becoming So Popular   

Travertine Tiles For Home And Garden Decor

Travertine is one of the most famous stone products for use both in the home and in the garden or yard. This classic Roman stone has been utilized for construction and tiling for thousands of years. Indeed, the Coliseum in Rome is in fact composed almost entirely of travertine not marble as many people think. Travertine is a sedimentary rock that was formed by the evaporation of water in pools of hot springs. When the water evaporated it left behind layers of minerals and these minerals are what give the stone its beautiful shades. The main hues of travertine tiles range from soft browns to dark mahogany and fiery red. Many accenting colors can be found in each tile depending on the addition of different minerals during the formation process.

Travertine tiles are used for many purposes in the home. The stone makes a very wonderful flooring and is quite common in foyers. When used on the floor the tiles require a seal coat so as to shield against staining. As the rock is sedimentary it generally has small pores and air pockets which permit the staining material into the structure if the surface is not closed. These stains are almost impossible to remove to keeping up on the sealer every few years is very important. The surface on these floor tiles will wear well as these are rather hard and tough. Other common uses in the house include as countertops or worktops and back splashes as well as trim and accent pieces. If the tiles are applied to the wall, which works well because they are so much lighter than marble, then they are not required to be sealed. But you definitely will want to use filled tiles on the counter or work top. A filled tile, like its name suggests, has all the holes and voids filled with a material that matches the color of the tile. This stops bits of food from being trapped in the face and causing a health problem. Another quite nice use is to tile throughout the bathroom.

A travertine tile shower gives you the very stylish look of an old world Roman bath. Again a sealer will be required if the cut tiles are placed on the floor or shower walls. In the garden, Travertine paving stones are quite famous as backyard floors as well as pavers throughout the garden to maintain ones feet dry. Being made of stone the pavers will be fine, but they do require to be covered from moisture in areas with cold weather because if the water filters in and then freezes, it can break the tiles. If you are planning a renovating or remodeling project Travertine tiles are worth your attention.

How To Retain The Shine On Marble Tiles   What Is Manufactured Stone?   How To Build A Small Brick Wall In Your Garden Without Calling In A Builder   Black Slate Tiles - The Beauty Of Black   5 Reasons Why Manufactured Stone Is Becoming So Popular   Installing Cultured Stones   

Top Three Uses for Sandstone

Sandstone is one of the most widely used natural materials in a vast array of industries today. It can be found visibly in the formation of many monuments, buildings, roads and driveways, as well as in gardens and pool side, but is also used as an ingredient in the production of glass products, gravels and blended concretes. Due to its particular manner of formation from compacted grains of sand held together by silica (naturally occurring cement) sandstone can be cut, polished and carved for use in many applications.

Let's look at the top three uses for this incredibly versatile stone:

As a building material: It has been used as a reliable and long-lasting building material since the first advent of construction in ancient civilisations. Smooth sandstone has been used to form walls, balustrades, pillars and ceilings, as well as stairs and flooring, lending an appearance of classic, timeless elegance. Rough and textured sandstone is often used to lend atmosphere to fireplaces, walls, and walkways. One of the reasons it is so popular as a building material is that it is durable and can handle heavy weights, making it a great material for building supports and foundations. In paving and tiling: Sandstone is used widely in the construction of tiles - both decorative tiles, and functional yet stylish pavers. The strength and durability of sandstone pavers is their main attraction. Unlike concrete or clay, they have been found to perform well in all manner of climates, including extremes of hot and cold. They have also been proven to survive under high levels of traffic, meaning that the maintenance and replacement of tiles and pavers is only required very rarely, if ever For monuments and tombstones: Due to the unique manner in which sandstone is formed, it is a very hard stone, but also one that can be easily cut to size and carved into an unlimited amount of decorative and creative, artistic formations. It is a popular choice for sculptors creating public monuments and is also an ideal stone for architectural and memorial masonry including tombstones, garden furniture, fountains and, in landscaping, for pillars and archways.

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the many uses of sandstone, but it gives you an idea of its versatility and advantageous characteristics. Aside from the three uses outlined above, other more unusual applications for sandstone are in the production of bookends, clocks and paperweights, as well as the manufacture of plate glass and fine tableware.

How To Retain The Shine On Marble Tiles   What Is Manufactured Stone?   How To Build A Small Brick Wall In Your Garden Without Calling In A Builder   Black Slate Tiles - The Beauty Of Black   

Black Granite - A Beautiful Flooring Material

Choosing a perfect flooring material is a difficult task because the market is full of durable tiles and you will be amazed to know that each slab is different from others. A wide range of slabs is available in the market but black granite is simply the best. Granite comes in many colors but it looks most beautiful in shiny black color. This flooring can be used in kitchen, bathroom, living room and every nook and corner in your home. If you are thinking that how a black color tile can enhance the look of your home then you need to see this particular slab to know why it is widely used a decorating flooring material.

Black granite is mostly used for decorating kitchen, dining room and eat-in-kitchen because this slab is easy to maintain, germ free and it can make the room look bright and spacious. One can use it on floor, countertop and on backsplash. This flooring material shines like a diamond and reflects light like a mirror. It is hard wearing, durable, waterproof, spill proof and can withstand acidic and caustic liquids. The good thing about this flooring material is that it mingles well with every setting.

Black granite tiles come in various shapes and sizes to suit every need. You can choose any size tile that you find suitable for your home. Ideally large rooms should be tiled with big square slabs and small rooms should be renovated with medium size pieces. For kitchen and bathroom, you can choose rectangular slabs as they are convenient to set. Like other tiles, these slabs also require grouting and you should make sure that they are properly grouted. Granite doesn't require sealing as it is highly resilient towards water and moisture but you need to take care of the grout lines.

Price is a big concern for everyone and since black granite tiles are expensive, average homeowners would need to increase their budget to buy these tiles. There are some retailers that offer quality granite flooring material at cost-effective prices. Online stone and tiles stores offer lucrative discount on selected tiles varieties. You can locate some reliable online stone and tiles stores and buy quality flooring material at no extra cost. Granite stone flooring sets decently on every kind of surface. You can try installing this flooring material on your own and save more money. You can learn tiling by reading Internet articles and blogs.

How To Retain The Shine On Marble Tiles   What Is Manufactured Stone?   How To Build A Small Brick Wall In Your Garden Without Calling In A Builder   Black Slate Tiles - The Beauty Of Black   5 Reasons Why Manufactured Stone Is Becoming So Popular   

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